In the last video I shared the importance of a growth mindset. What that looks like in practice is grit. Psychologist Angela Duckworth defines grit as, Grit is the ability to summon passion and perseverance in the service of a long-term goal. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth Let’s break it down. Passion is the intensity that drives you toward something, but passion is hard to sustain. Perseverance is continued effort despite obstacles, failures or opposition. It’s the growth mindset put into practice. When you combine passion and perseverance to achieve your long-term goals, you have grit. In her research, Duckworth discovered that grit is a better predictor of success than IQ or talent. Effort trumps talent every day. As a church leader, your long-term goal is to make a difference for Jesus. It’s God’s grace that gives us both the passion and the ability to persevere. The question is, how do you develop grit? First, focus on your Purpose. This will keep your passion alive and instill meaning into everything you do. As a church leader, I rely on the Great Commission and the Great Commandment to guide my purpose. Second, understand the importance of Creativity. Experimenting with new approaches and ideas is essential to finding a way into the future. Third, seek Challenge (s) that push you out of your comfort zone. Fourth, Practice regularly. It’s the consistency over time that will make a difference. Fifth, seek the Support of role models, mentors, spiritual directors, teachers and/or coaches. Through the grace of God, you can develop grit. And, as a church leader, that will empower you to make a difference for God. Comments are closed.
April 2024
New lessons are posted on Mondays.